Before You Submit – Check, Check and Check

BidWrite checklist icon represents document checks to complete before you submit your tender.

Last minute changes, multiple authors and deadline pressures can sometimes mean things are missed at the end of the bid. During the last stages leading up to a tender submission deadline there is usually a strong focus on strategic messaging and price, which are vital.

However, before you submit your tender response, make sure you take some time to complete some simple document checks so that you don’t lose out on a technicality or careless mistake.

10 Document Checks to Complete:

  1. Do a final check of your bid against the request documents to ensure all requirements have been met. This includes checking all addenda, and page and number counts.
  2. Have you included that latest pricing sheet? Is it in the format requested by the client? Pricing can often be the last thing inserted into a tender so make sure you have the right version, in the right format and all columns add up.
  3. With multiple authors editing a document, numbering and styles can be accidentally altered. Check your section numbering still aligns with the client’s numbering for ease of evaluation. Update your table of contents and all figures, table numbers and appendix references.
  4. Have you labelled all documents and file names clearly as per the request documents?
  5. If you reuse material from a previous tender, have you made sure it has been refreshed and there are no references to previous clients, outdated systems, projects, contracts or people? It does happen!
  6. Are all editing marks gone? Remove tracked changes, highlights, comments and old watermarks.
  7. Have you included your company name/logo and page numbers on all documents just in case they become detached from the document? This includes appendices.
  8. Have you done a final page turn? Before you submit your hard copy or electronic submission, check each page. Make sure all pages and graphics are displaying clearly whether it is a Word version, PDF or hard copy submission.
  9. Ensure any necessary documents and pages are signed.
  10. Finally, make sure all documents are included and attached.


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