B2B buying and selling in our ‘new normal’

How are procurement professionals adapting to the ‘new normal’ and what can B2B selling organisations do to respond? Tendering processes have always involved uncertainty and this has only been exacerbated by the pandemic. We explore the challenges of the current procurement climate and outline what sellers can do to embrace ‘certain uncertainty’.



Aim, Ready, Fire! Taking advantage of government stimulus measures

Government stimulus measures across Australia and New Zealand display welcome support for SMEs and local industry.

But how can you, rather than your competitor, be the beneficiary of this temporary support? And what are you doing to ensure your growth and profitability can be sustained ‘post-stimulus’?



Boilerplate Blindness – Don’t Force Square Pegs into Round Holes

Seller organisations are adjusting to the prospect of increased competition and fast-track stimulus measures. This means more tenders in a potentially short time frame.

While it’s tempting, avoid relying too heavily on boilerplate bid material to ensure your submission is customer-centric and as competitive as possible.



The Importance of ‘True North’ Proposals During Uncertain Times

BidWrite Principal David Lunn shares a recent experience demonstrating how ‘true north’ alignment between written tender responses and preceding supporting activities is vital, particularly during times of change and uncertainty.

Try as you might, you just never know what’s around the corner…



When Times Get Tough, the Tough Get Tendering

Well-performing businesses are now directing any spare capacity to researching upcoming opportunities, positioning their brand and improving bidding capabilities.

BidWrite’s co-founders share their views on practical strategies sellers can use to enable them to win, be ready to win, or retain more contracts when times are tough.



What to Expect When Times Get Tough…

With the current health crisis creating economic uncertainty, it can be difficult for businesses to know what that means for current contracts and planned procurement.

BidWrite’s co-founders share their views on what to expect from buying organisations during these uncertain times, and the implications such behaviours have for contractors and suppliers.



BidWrite’s Response to the Current Challenging Market Environment

Given the rapidly evolving current market environment, the Directors of BidWrite want to reassure our clients that we remain committed to helping you. We want to explain what we will be focusing on in the immediate future.

We also want to take this opportunity to inform you of what we are currently focusing on, such as maintaining social distancing and exploring virtual training options.